Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just Click Your Heals Three Times

Imagine a tale of two young lovers who were separated by a seemingly endless ocean. One youth in a foreign land with no close ties, the other at home worried and forlorn, both lonely and yearning to connect with the other. These circumstances would be tragic with minimal and protracted solutions if these two young lovers lived in prior centuries. However, the two individuals were born in the 20th century and had a knight on a white stallion to save the day like no prior generation was privy to. The Knight or maybe a Fairy Godmother to grant wishes for these two came in the form of Technology.

The Lonesome couple discovered Instant Messaging (IM), cell phone texts and e-mails in a whole new way. Prior to the separation these two would use these methods of communication as simply convinces. When they found themselves miles apart these mere convinces became necessities for coping and dealing with their new situation. These exchanges were not only a way of communicating but a means for combating the loneliness while interacting with one another and feeding their growing relationship.

The digital interaction became more interactive, fluid and instantaneous as their time apart grew, and the couple adapted to the circumstances. Any time the lonely traveler wished to go home all she had to do was call, IM or text, an improvement for sure over the ruby slippers dilemma. This need created a practical and quite useful application for these new technologies, an application not fully realized or utilized by the two lovers prior to the separation. With time the technology will become even more instantaneous and refined so that future generations will never feel the need to fallow the long and slow yellow brick road again.

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